Building a Network
Healthcare professionals share a common humanity driven by compassion and empathy. Their careers are centered on healing and helping people through the most complex times and decisions of their lives.
The GCP is building on the inherent generosity of this community to help the world deal with the challenges of chronic health concerns as well as specific crises such as C-19, by aligning the knowledge and skills of the world’s medical community with technology to support patients in distress regardless of their ability to pay. The GCP Target: Bring more into a community than it takes, leaving all of the people it touches in better health driven by the compassion of caring strangers and feeling the support of new global friends.
All licensed healthcare professionals are invited to join the GCP, which they understand will involve a limited commitment of their time to help remote patients using the Internet as their new practice environment. The professionals using the GCP will not be required to travel to a remote location or to remove themselves from their home environment or clinic.
But along with these health professionals, the GCP is seeking a much broader network of concerned individuals who want to help people with complex health issues but are not considered professional health providers. These individuals can assist in multiple ways, including becoming the front line of the patient encounter or providing a soothing voice of reassurance as a patient calls in for help. Anyone with a phone or computer and can commit the time to help our world in this time of need is invited to join – and become part of the process of healing and rebuilding our global society. For every health professional serving a patient the goal of the GCP is to attract an additional 3x in new non-health professional members that work with the caregivers and patients throughout their health encounter – and providing follow-up support as needed.
In addition to establishing a network of providers, GCP also establishes primary care clinics in disadvantaged areas, linked by telehealth to specialists nationally and where necessary internationally.